
Custom Fields


The Custom Field tab allows you to create and manage custom fields that can appear on initiatives or outcomes.

Default Custom Fields

Kiplot provides 'Customers' and 'Products' as default custom fields. These fields appear in the information tab of an initiative or outcome, under the 'General' section, but only if they are enabled. To enable these fields, you need to create values for the dropdown by selecting 'Add customer' or 'Add product'.

Creating New Custom Fields and Custom Field Sections

Creating a new field

  1. In the Custom Fields section of this page, selecting Add custom field will allow you to create a new field and define it’s field type.

  2. Fields can be configured to appear on initiatives, outcomes or both.

  3. Once set up, you will find your custom field in the Information tab on an initiative or outcome, in a ‘Custom Fields’ section.

The Type Dropdown contains various options. Select a type that aligns with the item you want to display within the Initiative Details page.

Field Type



Single line of text for short entries.


Dropdown menu for selecting from predefined options.


Field for selecting a date.

Long Text

Multiple lines of text for longer descriptions.


Field for numeric entries.

Kiplot Account

Links to a Kiplot user account.

Creating a new section

Should you want assign your custom fields to a ‘new’ custom section on the Information tab, you can create a new section in the Sections portion of this page. Once created, you will be able to assign custom fields against your new section.

Managing Custom Fields and Custom Field Sections


Within the table display for both Custom Fields and Custom Field Sections, there is an order control represented with an up (▲) and down (▼) button to sort the hierarchy of the custom field or section.


To enable or disable a section, find the Enabled toggle switch next to the section name within the Sections table. Toggle the switch to turn the section on or off. This controls the visibility and availability of the section.