
Report Creation and Fundamentals


Each report contains one or more pages. Each page can contain one or more tiles in rows across the screen. Each Tile delivers a specific configurable insight from one Kiplot Dataset.

Reports Basics

  1. Titles of the report (Agile Dashboard below) and the page (Delivery Planning below), set by the report owner

  2. Search for specific datapoints on the page

  3. Report settings 

  4. Tiles are configured using Kiplot datasets to deliver charts and insight

  5. Cycle through pages using the tabs at the top of the page

Tile Basics

Tiles are configured in the application by the report owners and published to other users. Only one dataset Kiplot can be attached to a single tile in a report.

  1. Title of the tile, set by the report owner

  2. The source dataset from the Kiplot datastore and the timestamp for the last update

  3. The legend explains which dimensions have been applied

  4. The colour legend provides an interactive colour key, which can be clicked on to filter colour categories in and out of the chart

  5. Edit the tile to bring up the side-bar for more configuration options, filter data in and out and adjust it’s settings (note that changes can only be saved by report owners and refreshing the page will return views to default)

Exporting Data

Verify Report Data

If you have 'can edit' or 'owner' permissions, you can directly access the data used in your report from each tile. This feature enables you to verify and analyze the data efficiently.

How to extract data from the reports into excel:

  1. Click the dataset hyperlink in the bottom right hand corner of any tile in a report

  2. Click the download icon in the dataset pop up menu to the right of the page

How to extract a filtered dataset in a report tile into excel:

  1. Hover over the tile you would like to extract a filtered dataset from

  2. Click the ‘more’ icon in the pop up toolbar menu to the right hand side of the tile

  3. Click download filtered dataset

Creating new Reports

There are two ways to create a new report in Kiplot: from scratch or using a template. When creating reports from a template, the process will vary depending on the templates your organization has established. This section focuses on how to create reports from scratch.

Overview of Creating New Reports from Scratch:

  1. Create a new blank report

  2. Create a tile

  3. Select a dataset for the tile

  4. Create visualizations for the tile

Create a new blank report

To create a report from scratch, you will first need to create a new blank report:

  1. Navigate to the reports section in Kiplot through the navigation panel

  2. Select 'create new report' and 'Blank report'
    This will take you to a blank report

  3. On the blank report, you can change the name of your report and of the page created

Creating Tiles and Selecting Datasets

Once you have a blank report, the next step is to create a tile and select the dataset you want the tile to display:

  1. Create a new tile
    • When you create a new report, a blank tile automatically gets created, ready for data to be pulled through

    • You can also add a tile to any report page by clicking on the ‘ADD TILE’ button found in the bottom left corner of the page

  2. Select the dataset for the tile

    Once you have a tile, you will need to select the dataset for the tile. To do this, you can either search for or upload a specific dataset

    Note: Refer to the dataset library for the required dataset

Create Visualizations for a tile

After selecting a dataset, the next step is to configure how the data will be displayed. This process includes the following steps:

  1. Select a chart type

  2. Filter or group the data to reduce the number of datapoints showing on the tile

  3. Configure the settings for a tile

  4. Label and adjust the tile

  5. Save your changes

Step-by-step Example: Creating a Donut Chart

  1. Select a chart type

    • On the right of every tile, there is a menu which allows you to manipulate the data shown on the tile

    • When creating a tile, start with selecting a Chart Type. This can always be reconfigured at a later stage

    In this example, I am creating a Donut Chart

  2. Select the Filters and Groupings

    • Use the tabs in the side panel to navigate through the Filters and Groupings

    • Filtering and grouping the data reduces the number of datapoints showing on the tile

    In this example, I want to group my data by reporting RAG status.

    To only display items from a specific team in your chart, navigate to the filters and deselect the teams that are not relevant for this instance. For detailed instructions on how to apply filters in reports, click here.

  3. Configure the settings for the tile

    • The settings is where you can choose the key datapoints for your visualization

    • The settings will change depending on the type of chart you have selected

    In this example of creating a donut chart,

    The colors in the chart are set to represent the Reporting RAG Status, allowing each status (Red, Amber, Green) to be visually distinct.

    The Size is configured by selecting (count) to display the number of items within each RAG category.

    The chart is ordered by the count of each RAG status in ascending order, ensuring that segments are arranged from the lowest to highest count.

  4. Label and Adjust the tile

    You can now adjust additional aspects of your tile, such as the graph height, whether to display the legend, and more. These options can also be found under the settings tab

    Example of the donut chart created from scratch

  5. Save your Changes

    • Once you are satisfied with your tile, save your changes by selecting 'Update current page'. You can find this option by clicking on the 'unsaved changes' text next to the title of your report

    • This will ensure that all changes and configurations you have made to your report are saved.